Steam broccoli
Steam broccoli

steam broccoli

Grab your steamer basket and get ready to make this delicious steakhouse-style steamed broccoli. Restaurant style garlic parmesan broccoli Here are the best ways to season steamed broccoli! 1. They are all guaranteed to transform your side dish into the star of the show. Most of these seasoning ideas use just a handful of ingredients and take only a few minutes of preparation time. I have collated 23 simple and interesting recipes that will give you so many ideas for what to put on steamed broccoli. Or you might want to try something more complex with spicy Asian or Indian flavorings. You can choose to keep it simple and gourmet by tossing your broccoli in olive oil, with garlic, lemon juice, and a dusting of parmesan cheese. If you're wondering what to season steamed broccoli with for dinner tonight, it depends on what you're serving it with and what you're craving. Then the seasonings are up to you!įirst, season your steamed broccoli with salt and pepper, and maybe a dash of garlic salt, then add layers of flavoring. Your broccoli should be firm yet tender with just the right amount of bite, this takes under 10 minutes of cook time. The best way to season steamed broccoli is to start with perfectly crisp florets, steamed using whichever method you prefer. Broccoli with bacon, pine nuts, and parmesan cheese Steamed broccoli with lemon honey butter sauce and toasted almonds Broccoli with brown butter, lemon, and walnut sauce Simple steamed broccoli with garlic and lemon I love to season my steamed broccoli florets and here I have found 23 delicious ideas for steamed broccoli seasoning, that will mean you can enjoy broccoli multiple times a week and never get bored of the taste. The best part is, that it is ready to season in under 10 minutes! Steaming broccoli is the healthiest way to cook it, keeping all of the goodness in and ensuring it keeps its yummy crunch. And because of this I know the importance of seasonings for steamed broccoli.

steam broccoli

Delicious steamed broccoli is one of my go-to healthy side dishes for quick mid-week dinners.

Steam broccoli